Return to Blueprint: Reclaiming your Essential Self

Our physical bodies are reservoirs for memories and emotions. When those inner places are disregarded, they can be expressed as pain, both physical and emotional. This work integrates both realms so we can move through the world with more self awareness, confidence, and emotional intelligence.

Instead of living in our heads, we are moving out of intellectualization and into embodied knowing.

Benefits of this work:

  • Pain Reduction
  • Enhanced Immune Functions
  • Emotional Well Being & Regulation
  • Stress Reduction
  • Secure Relationships
  • Higher Self Esteem & Confidence

Let’s Start Your Emotional Reset

People who are best suited for my work…

  • People with intense physical discomfort and/or unresolved emotional pain (autoimmune issues, chronic pain, high stress and anxiety, difficulty in close relationships)
  • People who are disconnected from their bodies or stuck in their heads, and want to feel more vibrant and alive
  • People who are emerging from patterns of victimization and claiming their self-responsibility

This work is not for…

  • People who want someone else to do their emotional heavy lifting, or who only want the bare minimum in terms of effort, investment, or commitment. (AKA. People who are not ready to show up for the work.)

Introduction to Return To Blueprint Somatic Sessions:

In Return to Blueprint somatic sessions, the focus involves integrating early developmental experiences. These sessions are designed to address the deep imprints of early life while fostering emotional and physical well-being. I integrate Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Attachment Repair with the Perinatal Somatic model to provide a comprehensive and holistic experience. You can read descriptions of each component below: 

Attachment Repair – Attachment repair is a therapeutic process aimed at healing disruptions or traumas in the early attachment bonds formed between a child and their primary caregivers. These early relationships significantly influence an individual’s emotional and relational development, creating their security system and affecting how they relate to others throughout their life. The therapeutic model itself fosters building secure attachment in session which then translates into our relationships.

Perinatal Somatics – Perinatal somatics is a therapeutic approach focused on addressing and healing the imprints of early life experiences. This modality integrates the tools shared on this page and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding and transforming early developmental trauma.

BCST The practitioner “listens” with their hands to the craniosacral rhythm, observing how it expresses throughout the body. They identify areas of restriction or imbalance and use a very gentle touch to facilitate release and restore balance as well as help regulate the nervous system.

IFS – IFS is a psychotherapeutic process developed in the 1980s. It helps to identify the multiplicity of parts within us, each having particular roles that they’ve been playing out unconsciously. This work helps people harmonize their internal world, navigate integrating wounded aspects, and redefine how each part performs in relation to the whole system.


Like most things in life, necessity is the mother of this offering. 

It is my own life journey and integration process that I chose (I will admit I did for a time feel largely forced to do the work-)  to learn how to be available for my feelings, explore where they were coming from, (and why they are here) and provide the parenting I always needed to and for myself- (and didn’t adequately receive when I was a child). 

My own anxious attachment created the inaccurate perception that I could only access my value from the outer world. This incorrect assumption has been the wound that I’ve been uncovering and letting go of in my life. It impacted my identity, my focus, my drive, and my relationships.

The integration/embodiment process showed me my great capacity to be present with and for other people in their own reclamation process. My sensitivity allows me certain superpower skills to see and feel the places that people are learning to recover within themselves. It is an honor and a privilege to offer a model of secure functioning attachment and relational awareness to assist people in returning home to themselves. It might look different depending on who you are, but the tools and the skills of attention are rooted in the relational models which helped me.

To learn more about me and my work, visit my about page.


Diamond Intensive (12+ weeks)

An intense, highly structured, and rigorous program for someone who wants to fully immerse in the work. This program entails weekly 90 minute sessions and homework. This commitment is for a minimum of 12 weeks with an option for going longer.

Please book a 30 min zoom call to learn more.